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Can the slender loris survive in our urban jungle? Help us learn how this unique mammal manages to hang on in the middle of our largest cities. Join us in a unique citizen science project to figure out how to coexist with the loris and other wildlife in our cities.

Slender Lorises

The slender loris is a small nocturnal primate that is endemic to southern India and Sri Lanka. They were once distributed in remnant forest patches, in lakeside woods, as well as on large trees in the older neighborhoods within the city of Bangalore.


This is a citizen sceince driven project that will document the past and present distribution of lorises and their habitats within the urbanized landscapes of Bangalore. We will also identify and document credible threats to loris populations and their habitats in and around the city.


The project will partner with other non-profit academic and environmental organizations as well as academic institutions for scientific studies and outreach programs. Find out how you can help us!

Get Involved

This project relies on a strong  citizen scientists base to  collect data across the city. Volunteers of this citizen science project will be trained in  methodology of conducting safe and effective surveys. The results will be used to advocate for increased awareness and understanding of how to preserve loris habitat

If you would like to participate in the project please sign up to volunteer. We are training volunteers for nocturanl surveys and other methods that is required for the study: 


 Volunteer Signup Form



Please fill out our survey to help us get a better idea about the population as well as the past and present distribution of Slender Lorises in Bangalore City: 


Slender Loris Survey


Slender Loris Survey

© the urban slender loris project

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